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Showing posts from August, 2017

Getting low

I met a drifter  , Who was getting worried about insta filter, I believe he was  a pessimistic , But I being a alchemist , Try to solve his prob . It seems like everyone has dual persona , That is the grievous problem in everyone's life , Life is sometimes difficult and sometimes hard. But being a pessimistic Is  not the ticket to all and sundry prob Every one should be optimistic Just like I being an alchemist                                                                                             - Paras Awas...


Someone says that friendship will finish at that moment when you pass your school or at every level of your life you will make F.R.I.E.N.D.S . But the unspoken truth is when you want to decide to finish your friendship with a person then only the friendship will over . Only thing to remember is " F.R.I.E.N.D.S are boon to mankind "